Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 15, 2010

catch up

Ok...ok....ok.....I know I haven't been putting up recent pics. So here goes. Some new pictures for everyone!!!! Enjoy!!!!

Old Friends

This picture is just for Brian because he said it wouldn't make the blog. Brian and Justin are my friends from high school and I got to see them at the CC basketball game tonight. So I'm putting this picture up so Brian won't bug me about it! No...just kidding. I would also like to publicly apologize for forgetting Brian's birthday this year. I NEVER forget his birthday. I guess turning 29 isn't something I'd like to remember. :) Sorry B. It was so good to see them both because I don't get to see them enough anymore. And by the way.....we did feel OLD at the game.


Chase has really been into his abc's and counting lately. Here he is lining up(as he does with everything) and sorting by color some letters. And please notice his socks. I had on some goofy socks one night and he wanted them so I got out another pair for him. He wore them all week! He can pretty much say the alphabet (with some help) and count to 10 when he wants to. He's starting to recognize the letters too. For example: When he sees the letter H he will say "that's Horse".
