Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Early morning photo shoot by Chase

Chase likes to take pictures with my camera, I think I've posted about this before, so we had a photo shoot the other morning. Please excuse my horrible bed head. I have to take advantage of his cooperation whenever I can get it. He was totally cheesin it up that morning!!!
Yep...keepin it real....the just got out of bed look!

He never does this anymore when I want to take photos. Love i!

oops...not the best aim by Chase

That's a little better

Mommy's turn to take a photo

I kept trying to get in the picture....he doesn't look AT ALL at what he's taking a picture of. He just hits the button and we hope for the best.

Monday, November 9, 2009

6 months ago

It's so hard to believe it's been 6 months since we said goodbye to Colten. Time has flown by(most days). The Lord has surely been working in our lives since that day. I am amazed at how far He has taken me and very grateful for that matter. The power of prayer is TRULY amazing!!! I miss Colten everyday, but I am slowly starting to understand and believe that this was all part of God's bigger plan for Colten, and for us.

A friend gave me a gift last week and it had the meaning of Colten's name on it. We didn't know the meaning of his name when we chose it but it fits him perfectly(imagine that).

Colten: from God's estate
Robert: excellent worth

A recent devotion of mine reads this: The simple truth is that God is not constrained to tell us why bad things happen to us. But he will let us know how to walk through them....with patience and hope. The verse that went along with it was, "My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

I would like to share some more photos of Colten. It's hard to tell in these shots how much he looked like Chase but he sure did. I am so lucky to be the mommy of two beautiful boys.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Great Zoo Halloween

A few weeks ago we went with the Monesmith's and Sleighter's to check out the Great Zoo Halloween. It was very cool. Chase however, was a grouch most of the time. I will give him some slack because he was scared of the kids that masks on, but otherwise I was not impressed with his behavior. Towards the end he liked it a little better and loved going to McDonald's afterwards. I took lots of pictures!!! There were tons of pumpkins everywhere!!!!
Kaden (Colts football player)


Chase(Gorilla) and Chad

Chase refused most of the night to look at the camera(but I'm not bitter at all still)

Bob and Larry(made out of a huge pumpkin) from Veggie Tales, this was VERY cool

I think the only smile we saw the whole night

Ethan and Chase checking out Bob and Larry

A snowman made out of pumpkins

Nope....not gonna smile mom

Still no
Ducks made out of gourds

Since Chase wouldn't smile or sit on the straw bales with Ethan, I just took his picture.

He finally sat with Daddy but no smile

Watching Movies

Lately Chase has really gotten into watching movies. For the longest time we could only get him to watch something for a few minutes, but now he'll sit for extended periods of time. He has even mastered putting the dvd's in and taking them out all by himself. Now as I write this I'm not exactly sure that I should be happy about his new love for TV, but it is nice if we need to do something around the house. He especially loves the Go Fish Guys.
I went to a Mom's conference in October, called Hearts at Home, (more on that later)and the Go Fish guys were there and performed for us moms. I highly recommend buying their music if you have small children. They sing kids music that isn't annoying to parents. Unless of course you are like Chase and play the same song over and over and over again. We have their CD's in our car also and he loves listening to them when we go somewhere too.