Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sunny days

Could it be? Is spring here? I doubt it but we've loved these beautiful days this week. Chase and I went and picked up his buddy, Ethan, who has a new baby brother and a busy mommy! They both needed to get out some energy so I took them to Morsches park and they had a blast!!!! The first day no one else was there so the boys had dibs on whatever they wanted. The second day was a little busier so it wasn't quite as easy for them. There were a few tears the second day. :) It was so fun to watch them together!!!!!! A side note about these two boys: the age difference between them is exactly the same as their daddy's. Chad and Chase have July birthdays, Josh and Ethan have April birthdays. I foresee them being as good of friends too!!!! They weren't this still for very long

I was so proud of Chase on the slides this year.....last year he was SO timid with them but he didn't ask once for me to go with him.

Waiting for Ethan to come down
They loved the swings and so did my biceps!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Marked by Love

I'm not sure if anyone has ever read this blog by Angie Smith but it's amazing! I stumbled upon it a couple of years ago through another blog. Angie and her husband lost their little girl, Audrey, shortly after she was born. It's an amazing story, one that really hits home for me more now since we've lost Colten. She's written a book that I hope to soon read. A friend of Angie's that makes Jewelry is giving away a necklace that was made in Audrey's memory and I just thought I'd share it with you because I think it's awesome(and I'd like to win one)!

Go here to see the necklace.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Scrapbook weekend photos

As promised, here are some photos from my scrapbook weekend, and yes they will go in my scrapbook at some point. I'm not quite that caught up yet though!!! Here is most of our group. A lot of us bought t-shirts for the occasion. I'm not sure if you can read any of them or not. Mine said "my husband lets me buy all the scrapbook supplies I can hide". Some others said "holy scrap" or "he fishes, I scrap" and "be nice to me or I'll crop you out of my scrapbook". I wish you could see above the fireplace we are standing in front of because there is a giant moose head hanging on the wall.
This picture is sideways but it's "junk food alley" as we called it. Lots of goodies to choose from.

Here are the three ladies that run the show for the weekend.

A shot from inside our cabin at the bunk beds, Sara is up there if you look close
Some of us at meal time

One of the girls that came with us was selling head bands and we all LOVED them. We all bought some and she wanted us to show them off for a picture. I'm not sure what time this was but I'm pretty certain we were giddy.

Group shot

Erica and I in our head gear. You are supposed to bring a flashlight along to walk back at night.

This last picture is pretty funny to me. This is the plastic set of drawers that I store my paper in and it's on wheels. The building we were in had a deck going up hill to the door. As we were rolling it up to the door 2 wheels popped off. So there it sat the rest of the weekend leaning over on it's side. I've asked my dad to put some "all terrain" wheels on it before next year. We had SO much fun!!!!

Sammy and Stewart

Just some funny shots of our kitties. They are pretty funny most of the time, sometimes loving, but also annoying(for me mostly). Stewart is constantly in the way, he always has to know what's going on and always thinks it's time to eat. And he sheds like crazy! He loves when someone pets him though. Sammy girl is more timid, she stays back and watches. She doesn't like kids much(Chase included), but is very lovey if Stewart is sleeping or if he's in the other room. She will let you pet her but only under her chin or on her head and if you've been at our house for a while. She also loves to eat but is much more patient for food than Stewart. They both love to sit at Chad's feet if he's in the recliner. They will be 7 years old this year. Sammy laying in the towel basket in our closet

I was cleaning the living room floor one day and moved the stool to one of our chairs and no more than turned around and Stweart had jumped up there. Notice Sammy girl running away in this picture. Scared of something I'm sure.

Sammy girl squeezed herself into Chase's laundry bag that was laying on the floor (it actually holds blocks, not laundry)

close up of Sammy girl

Grandma Kessie is 75!!!

On March 1 my Grandma Kessie or "Kessie" as Chase calls her, turned 75. My Aunt Marcia is so sneaky and planned a surprise party. Grandma just thought we were all "too busy" to come over on her birthday. I believe that was a direct quote from her to aunt Marcia. Guess we proved her wrong! :) It was lots of fun and we love her very much! Chase didn't want to leave at the end of the night. Oh and we had yummy food always at Grandma's house! Not everyone could attend so we were missing a few members of our large group. The birthday girl.....she doesn't look 75 to me
Grandma and Grandpa Kessie with Chase

Aunt Marcia, Carla, Chase and Grandma
Matthew and Chase
Anne, Sara, Grandma and Aunt Nancy
Jason, Grandpa and Uncle Ron
Jamie and Ella
Lighting the candles
We didn't quite have 75 candles.....

Chase wanted to help this time

Deanna and Matthew

Kyle being silly with Matthew and Chase

Chase checking out Ella in her seat
Aunt Nancy and Chase looking at my scrapbook
Cara, Chase, Carla and Grandma
Jason and Chase

Kyle and Chase
cracking up about something
Nancy, Deanna and Grandma. I'm pretty sure Nancy was trying to pick Grandma's nose and also pretty sure they will both be upset that I picked this picture for the blog! They check it(the blog) daily though so hopefully they'll be excited to see themselves. :)


Cara, Leslie, Chase, Jason

Final CC hoops pictures

Some final pictures of CC basketball 2009-2010. These were taken on senior night. Sadly CC basketball is now over for another year. What a fun time!!!!!!!!!! Chase is going to be confused when he goes back to the gym and the seniors aren't there. He talks about the guys a lot! Being a little silly
The usual scene, Chase and Josh on my lap

Watching the big kids shoot at half time

