Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 20, 2009

Nice weather and 28 weeks

28 week belly shot. I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is still looking good. I will start going every 2 weeks now!
We had some VERY nice weather a couple days this week so we went outside and played. Chase was pretty into the sidewalk chalk. Please note that he put on his own hat in these photos. He didn't want sunglasses on but said "bright" when we went out. I told him he could wear a hat and that would help keep the sun out of his eyes. Of course he didn't need my help in putting it on, so it went on backwards, and he still had to squint. What do moms know anyway?!?!

A little out of order, Chase jumping on our bed.

more chalk....he lines up EVERYTHING right now

What's up mom?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Random and kinda long

Sorry for another delay in blogging on my part. Our computer wasn't working right Tuesday when I was off. Here are some random shots from us the last couple of weeks. Chase is just growing up too fast! He has so many new words and understands so many things.
He is getting quite independent. I was getting him dressed this morning and put a blue shirt on him, but as I was closing the drawer he said "orange", he wanted the orange shirt on. He then names every piece of clothing(and it's color) as it goes on. When he has nothing on he says "naked". Too funny!

I am continuing to feel well. We are almost at week 27 which is crazy! I had to start on some iron tablets this week as my iron was low at my last appointment(what's another medicine right?). Everything else went well with the doctor. Baby heartbeat was 143-145 so perfectly normal. I do want to tell the story of our car ride to the doctor last week because Chad and I were just cracking up. School was cancelled that day(foggy) so Chad got to go with us to the doctor. Sorry for the long post, but it went something like this.

Cara: "Chase, we're going bye bye"
Chase: "Angie?" (babysitter)
Cara: "no we're not going to Angie's today. We're going bye bye."
Chase: "Hot-A?" (that's how Chase says Erica, his other babysitter)
Cara: "No not Erica's today either, we're going bye bye."

All this while trying to get coats on and get us all in the car.

Chase: "church?"
Cara: "no, not church, we'll go to church in a couple of days."
Finally we get in the car

Chase: "Daddy"
Chad: "Yes Chase"
Chase: "Hi" (he does this a lot in the car)
Chad: "Hi"
Chase: "church?"
Chad: "no, we aren't going to church today, we are going to the doctor."
Chase: "doctor" (only didn't quite sound correct)
Cara: "Yes, we are going to the doctor."
Chase: "Chase?"
Cara: "No, mommy is going to the doctor for the baby."
Chase: "doctor"
Cara: "Yes, doctor."
Chase: "Chase?"
Cara: "Mommy is going to the doctor for the baby. Chase gets to watch."
Chase: "watch?"
Cara: "Yes, Chase can watch."

A little while later, still in the car
Chase: "Daddy"
Chad: "Yes Chase"
Chase: "bus? boys?" (meaning daddy rides the bus with bball boys)
Chad: "Daddy will ride the bus tomorrow with the boys."
Chase: "basket?" (basketball)
Chad: "Yes, there is a game tomorrow"
Chase: "bus?"
Chad: "Yep, bus tomorrow. Who else goes to the game with you?"
Chase: "Papa" (Tobie)
Chad: "What will you eat at the game?"
Chase: "hotdog" (my dad is obsessed with bball game hotdogs and now so is Chase)
Chad: "What do the boys do at the game?"
Chase: "Shoot it. Make it."

Chase: "Mommy. Going?"
Cara: "We are going to the doctor for the baby."
Chase: "Doctor. Chase?"
Cara: "No, mommy is going to the doctor for the baby"

Ok....just repeat that same story about 50 times and we finally arrive at the doctor. We just cracked up the whole time! Sorry if it's not at funny reading it as it was being in the car. Just know that when we did get into the room to see the doctor Chase was not excited AT all because he thought it was for him. Can't wait to take him to his 3 year visit. I'm pretty sure he'll flip out! :)

2-22-09 25 weeks

3-1-09 26 weeks

Chase is also getting pretty good at (well I mean obsessed with) separating colors when he plays with things. Hopefully you can tell in this picture.

And he LOVES playing with his blocks
Having morning "coffee" aka hot chocolate

more blocks

He figured out how to dunk the basketball. Pulled the stool over to the hoop and jumped off. No help from us I promise, he figured it out all on his own.

Look at me!

jumping off

riding the horsey

Bball with Daddy. He made Daddy sit on the stool next to him. He's getting pretty bossy. :)

Take care!