Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 11, 2011

It's been a while....big changes around here

It has been brought to my attention, by a very good friend, that it's been quite some time since I've updated our blog. :) Why yes it has! Here is my attempt at an update. We've had some big changes around here....for everyone!
Mr. Cooper is almost FIVE months old! That's absolutely crazy! He is growing SOOOOOO fast. We just love him to pieces!!!! He is very happy, a good sleeper and eater, and we just love his smiles!!! He eats 4 times a day and takes down anywhere from 6-8oz of formula at a time. We will probably try some cereal at the end of the month. I think he's probably getting ready. He rolls over from his tummy to back and is looking like he wants to go the other way. He loves to "talk" to us and we love it! He takes 3 naps a day, his morning and afternoon nap last about 2-2.5 hours and he takes a late afternoon/early evening nap for about 45 minutes. He goes to bed about 7pm and has been sleeping until almost 7am! What a wonderful gift this is for us!!!!! He does sometimes wake between 5-5:30am but with the help of his paci goes back to sleep. I have been LOVING sleeping all night again. We feel so incredibly blessed with Cooper!!!!

Mr. Chase man will be FIVE years old in July! I can't believe that either! This kid doesn't miss a thing! And he NEVER stops talking. Before he started talking people always told me once kids start talking you will want them to stop. And I will admit that is true some days for us. Mostly when he won't stop interrupting us! :) His big thing right now is puzzles. He can't get enough. He has graduated to doing 100 piece puzzles. It takes him a bit to get them but he loves them! There isn't a day in our house lately that there aren't puzzles covering our kitchen table and the living room floor. And surprisingly enough his other big thing right now is Spider man. And this is surprising because he is usually so afraid of the masks that super hero's (or anyone) wears. We didn't go trick or treating last year because of his fear of masks. I still don't think he loves the masks but for some reason really likes Spider man. He has a puzzle of him and Chase doesn't ever want to put it away. And Daddy bought him some Spider man pj's over the weekend and he won't take them off! His best friend is still his white "gwanky" (blankie)......he wants to take it everywhere(you can see a corner of it in the picture above). He is a wonderful big brother and always wants to know where Cooper is and what he's doing. He will be starting pre-school in the fall. I am so glad the weather is starting to shape up because Chase needs to get outside and run off some energy!!!!!!

Cara: One of the big reasons I can't keep up with this blog is because I've been working full time and it's kicking my tail! The transition of going back to work has not been the best for us to say the least. So after many conversations (and tears) we have decided that it's too much for all of us for me to stay full time. I am going back to part time and hopefully very soon. I am going to hang around for a little while longer while my boss looks for a replacement for me and then I will be cutting back. This was a very hard decision for me because I do like my job, but I truly know it's the right decision. I need to be home more with our boys! I will work "as needed" for our department which will mostly likely be 1-2 days a week and PERFECT for us. I still want to get out of the house some and keep up my skills as a nurse. Kudos to those moms who work full time outside the home......SUPER moms they are!

Chad: Maybe most of you already know this but Chad has a new job! He is no longer teaching. He started with Nanovis (pronounced Nano-vee) in January. Chad actually works in the Micropulse building. Chad could explain things better but Nanovis will be selling artificial implants that Micropulse will manufacture for them. Chad kind of does a little bit of everything right now but his title is Assistant Operations Manager. He had been thinking of getting out of education for a couple of years now and finally started looking into other options. He is really enjoying his new job and it's a good move for all of us. He will not coach basketball any longer either, maybe help out a little on a volunteer basis. That was a tough choice to make also. Basketball has been a huge part of our life thus far. Chad has coached since we got married. We are sad to see that chapter end but are looking forward to our new changes.

Well friends.....cooper is getting up from a hopefully you are all caught up with us! Happy Spring!!!