Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Mr. Coop

Cooper turned ONE on 11/17!!!! He's growing up soooooo fast! He started walking right around his birthday. He waves "hi" and "bye bye", he signs "more" and "please", he loves to play with the TV remotes, toilet plunger, and play in his brother's room. He likes to have something in his hand as he walks around the house and gets into EVERYTHING!!!!! But I can't even describe the absolute JOY that this little man has brought into our lives. He is such a blessing to us and we love you Cooper Todd!!!!!!

Justin's wedding

Before Thanksgiving one of my good friends from highschool, Justin, got married. Here is a photo of me with my highschool friends at the wedding. Kristen is missing from this photo! And Adam(front left) is getting married very soon!!!! Good times!!!