Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hilger's Fall Festival

We went to Hilger's Fall Festival last weekend with Monesmith's and Sleighter's. We had a blast!!! The weather was awesome and there was tons to do!!! Kaden taking a pony ride (with Cory)
Chase taking a pony ride(with Chad)

Kaden in the pumpkins
Chase in the pumpkins

Chase climbing the straw mountain
Kaden and Chase in the moon walk
more bouncing
Ethan riding a pony(with Josh)

Sleighter's on the hayride
Family photo on the hayride
How tall this fall?-Chase
How tall this fall?-Kaden
Chase peeking through the piggy! There were pig and turkey races also. They were hilarious!!!!!!! Chase loved them!!!!

1 comment:

The Landrums said...

Looks like Chase had a blast at Hilger's! We couldn't belive how tall the straw mountain was! What a cute kid. :)

Our nephew's and neice's have always gone, hopefully next year we'll take Claire too! We'll have to keep that in mind and maybe meet up with you. Hopefully everyone is doing well!

Kate, Brian & Claire