Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 2, 2008


We went to several different events for Halloween and did lots of trick-or-treating so these pictures are all kind of mixed together. Chase was a frog and a cute one I might add. He still says "ib-bit" for a frog noise. Actually any animal he sees that is green is an "ib-bit" so I thought it would be appropriate for him to be a frog this year(thank you ebay). He did really well walking around trick-or-treating and going up to houses all by himself. Needless to say we have TONS of candy!!! Thanks to everyone who let us come to their house!!!! Family photo
Chase and baby Matthew(giraffe)

Bryce Sefton and his very messy candy face

Ryan and Matthew

Checking out the "goods" after a long route of trick-or-treating in Nana's neighborhood

Chase and Nana

Some of Chase's buddies that he trick-or-treated with

No matter how heavy the pumpkin got throughout the night Chase would NOT let go of it

Chase and Daddy


Chase and Daddy playing a fishing game at Lutheran Hospital "spooktacular"

Kaden the elephant

The cutest frog EVER!!!!!!!!

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