Hi all! Just a few updates for you. Our Internet has been quite slow lately and I'm not sure why. I started to do some blog updating with photos but it was taking too long! The pictures above are a glimpse of what I hope to blog about soon. Updates below.
Chad has started back to school. Summer is officially over! Well it's still nice and hot outside but school is in session. It's crazy to think that this is Chad's 6th year teaching. Time is FLYING by. We are excited to send Chase to the free preschool at CCHS again this year. I'm not sure exactly when it starts but it's at the end of each trimester so probably October sometime. I know it's not an easy thing teaching teenagers (Algebra of all things) but I am so proud of Chad and the example he is to his students (not sure they think so most of the time).
I don't think I've posted anything about this but I've officially gone back to work full time. It isn't perfect timing for us by any means but we felt like it was the best move for me right now. My old job became open back in May with a physician that I get along great with. It's not exactly what we'd choose with another baby on the way but we're giving it a shot. I still plan to take 12 weeks off with Cooper(yep his name is official) so it only means a few months of Chad and I both working full time before summer will be here again. Then Chad can be home with the kiddos while I work. The company I work for is in the process of "disbanding" (as they call it) and getting bought out by Lutheran Hospital, so on September 1 I will be a hospital employee. Lots of changes for us right now.
I was (and still do at times) having lots of anxiety about going back to work mostly because I didn't want to leave Chase (and eventually Cooper). Luckily Chad was still home with him for a few weeks as I went back and school hadn't started. This was our first week of having to take him to a sitter everyday. But I know that God is leading me through this process....I really do feel like my going back full time was an answer to prayer. I had been praying for a positive change at work for about a year. I really wanted to stay with the same job/company so I stuck it out and now that change is happening. Chase has some wonderful people that take care of him so he has done well. I do hope that eventually something will open back up part time and maybe I'll go for it. For now though I'll see how the full time thing pans out. It looks at though when we start in September I'll be getting 1/2 day off a week so that will be nice.
We are trying to soak up as much summer as we can right now. I go back to the doctor next week so I'll plan for a 24 week update then (my belly is hitting a growth spurt these days!)
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