Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 16, 2011

our happenings lately

Just a few updates for the Graves family. We are excited that summer is here! Enjoying the sunshine!!! I am officially part-time @ work now and looking forward to being home more with the boys. Chad & I got to have a weekend away....just the two of us! We've been trying to steal away a weekend for quite some time and it finally worked out last weekend. We stayed downtown Indy thanks to Price line and my fabulous husband for knowing how to get a good deal! It was nice and relaxing! Our 8 year anniversary was May 31st. Time flies!!! Thank you to Maw-Maw, Paw-Paw, Nana, Rob& Tracey for helping with the boys while we were gone!!!!

Mr. Coop is sitting up...still a little wobbly but doing well with it. He's eating solids now and gobbles up whatever we give him. He is smiles all the time and continues to be a great sleeper! He will be 7months old on 6/17 and has 2 teeth.

Chase decided to try out the cowboy hats for him & Coop one day. Chase is lovin all of the "new" baby toys being out. I think he likes them more so than Coop.

We had to say goodbye to our sweet & sassy Sammy girl last month. She had gotten sick at the same time we were trying to transition both her & Stewart to being outside cats. She didn't handle either one very well and after much discussion we decided it would be best to put her down. We miss her! Stewart is doing very well outside and still comes in the house occasionally to nap.

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