Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 10, 2011


It has been brought to my attention that it's been a while since I've updated. Thank you Shelley and Brian. :) I will attempt to update since summer with some pictures....which are kind of out of order. My "mom brain" fails me quite frequently because I've never been able to figure out this blogger set up.

Anyway.......I am home with the boys mostly full time now. I only work 1 day a week. It's working out great for us. My house is spotless, dinner is on the table when Chad gets home, laundry is always caught up, dishes are always clean and my boys never cry or talk back to me. Call me June Cleaver.

This is soooo far from the truth.....except the part about me being home more. It really is working out much better for us but our house is a wreck most days. I typically only clean when necessary. I like being able to keep up my nursing skills a little and get out one day, while being home for the rest of the week. Chase goes to preschool 3 days a week for 2.5 hours. He seems to be learning a lot. He wrote his whole name this week. He had been writing the C and H and "claimed" he couldn't do the rest. And since I don't do too well being the teacher we didn't work on it much. Thank goodness for preschool and his teacher!!!!!! Mr. Cooper is 10 months(almost 11) old! And we just can't believe it. He has the best smile! Since my last post he's learned to crawl, eat table food, pull himself to standing and started crusing. And throw a couple more teeth in there too. He makes us laugh daily!!! He loves his big brother and wants to follow him around and get into his stuff. Chase hasn't been all to impressed with this but we're working on it.

I also started another little fun adventure back in August. I'm now an independent consultant for thirty-one gifts. I enjoy doing this and it's really taken off. If you are interested in more info please check out my website-----

Chase turned FIVE in July. Hard to believe!

We took a trip to South Haven, MI in August. We went last year also and couldn't wait to go back. It was fun to get away but I must say it's not so fun packing all of us up. I think it took me 3 days to pack us up and we were only gone for a few days. We need a van!!!!!

Maybe I will get better at this updating stuff........

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