Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Well the test doesn't lie! WE ARE EXPECTING BABY #2!! As I type this I am pretty nervous because we are only about 8 weeks along and wouldn't usually tell people quite this early but here we go anyway! I go to the doctor on Feb 4th, we are praying that everything goes smoothly between now and then. I haven't been feeling the best which I hear is a good sign. I've had some good days though too. I did call the doctor and now have some medicine for nausea if I need it. We think our due date is around August 19th, 2008. Apparently the Graves family is meant to have summer babies! We would also like to congratulate my cousin Ryan Peppler and his wife Jamie who are also expecting a baby around the same time as us. Congrats Pepplers!
Mommy, soon to be big brother Chase and Daddy! Please keep our baby in your prayers.


Sara said...

Congrats!! I overheard the BIG NEWS at Christmas, but I just thought I'd officially congratulate you. Yay! Just think how different next Christmas will be at the Kessie's!

Take care & God bless,
Sara Kessie

Jennifer, Eric, Isaiah, and Noah Heuer said...

YAY for another baby Graves!!! Congrats from the Heuers!

The Smith's said...

Praise the Lord!! What a blessing although I know it's hard when you're feeling so rotten. Hang in there, it will pass and get better soon. Congrats to you 3!!