Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 1, 2009

34 weeks

Wow is our baby boy growing! We've made it to 34 weeks! Actually I'm almost 35 now and seem to always be a week behind in these posts. I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is still looking good and right on track. My doctor is planning on inducing me between 38-39 weeks so we don't have much longer. He wants me to be off my injections(yep still giving them!) for 4-5 days prior to delivery so I'll need to be induced. Chase came at 38 weeks on his own so we'll see what happens this time. I start going every week to the doctor now. I just really liked this shirt so had Chad take 2 pictures this week(he was really impressed) :) Thanks for letting me borrow your clothes Shelley!

Chase wanted to be in a picture this week but wouldn't smile once I picked him up. Boy is his world going to change soon!

1 comment:

The Gaertegang Homestead said...

Love the pics.....oh ya his world will change!!! Hopefully he will transition well...all my kiddos seemed to. Believe it or not I don't have any horror stories to tell you about jealousy or anything like that....others might have enough stories on their kids to make up for it though!!