Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Halloween in August

My grandparents own a campground and back in August they had "Halloween". Since the campground is closed in October they had trick-or-treating, costume judging, and lots of fun games in August. We took Chase and checked it out. It was so hot that day and I hadn't really thought about a costume but luckily I had something in the closet that worked out great. Don't look too close because he may actually wear the same thing on the real Halloween this year. A little gorilla!
Chase preferred the hood down...I didn't blame him at all!

I wish I would have thought to have him carry a mom thought of that when we got there.

He ate an entire bag of m&m's before the trick or treating even started. He was quite pokey on the route because he just wanted to eat the candy as he got it. Actually if you know him very well he is quite pokey most of the time. He is on his schedule for sure.

If you look closely the girl is a cell phone...I thought it was so cool

" I just want the candy mom...seriously"

Even a black creepy cat walked behind us while we were out

This girl was hilarious too

Chase ended up on my Dad's shoulder's a lot because he couldn't keep up walking around to all the campers for candy

more creepy stuff at the Pavillion

My cousing little girl was a cheerleader....super cute

I think this kid won the teenage division......hilarious also

And then there's this guy...posing with my grandma. Nothing right about that costume. I think he won his division also, but I don't think he had any competition. We had a blast, there were so many people there that participated. They have a hayride every Saturday night too and Chase thought that was pretty cool too.

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