Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Let's catch up...shall we?

Ok...I have been HORRIBLE about blogging this summer. So I've spent the last hour or so updating some pictures for you all....mainly Grandma Kessie and Aunt Nancy. I'm sure you'll be pleased with all my posts. :) There are lots so hope you have some time! I'll try to be better....but I've said that before so we'll see.

Our little Chase man is growing up so quickly. One of the reasons I haven't posted in a while is because we have been up to our eyeballs in potty training around here. About 2 weeks ago Chad and I decided that it was time. We did have to "force" the issue a bit...that is putting it nicely really. We knew Chase was ready and showing signs, but if it was up to him I think he'd graduate high school in diapers. So we went for it, and after MANY, MANY, MANY tears and frustrating days he is making great progress. We are nervous though for him going #2 on the potty, we haven't even tried that because #1 was such a struggle to get him to even try. Well that's probably TMI so I'll stop. Just know that he's doing great! We continue to be amazed at all the things he is learning and saying. I felt so proud today because a lady at Wal-mart said to us "he is just so cute and I just love his little sweet voice". Chase was sitting in the cart as I picked out a couple of cards and of course he was just talking away like always. Some cuteness for you!

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