Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Watching Movies

Lately Chase has really gotten into watching movies. For the longest time we could only get him to watch something for a few minutes, but now he'll sit for extended periods of time. He has even mastered putting the dvd's in and taking them out all by himself. Now as I write this I'm not exactly sure that I should be happy about his new love for TV, but it is nice if we need to do something around the house. He especially loves the Go Fish Guys.
I went to a Mom's conference in October, called Hearts at Home, (more on that later)and the Go Fish guys were there and performed for us moms. I highly recommend buying their music if you have small children. They sing kids music that isn't annoying to parents. Unless of course you are like Chase and play the same song over and over and over again. We have their CD's in our car also and he loves listening to them when we go somewhere too.

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