Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Grandma Kessie is 75!!!

On March 1 my Grandma Kessie or "Kessie" as Chase calls her, turned 75. My Aunt Marcia is so sneaky and planned a surprise party. Grandma just thought we were all "too busy" to come over on her birthday. I believe that was a direct quote from her to aunt Marcia. Guess we proved her wrong! :) It was lots of fun and we love her very much! Chase didn't want to leave at the end of the night. Oh and we had yummy food always at Grandma's house! Not everyone could attend so we were missing a few members of our large group. The birthday girl.....she doesn't look 75 to me
Grandma and Grandpa Kessie with Chase

Aunt Marcia, Carla, Chase and Grandma
Matthew and Chase
Anne, Sara, Grandma and Aunt Nancy
Jason, Grandpa and Uncle Ron
Jamie and Ella
Lighting the candles
We didn't quite have 75 candles.....

Chase wanted to help this time

Deanna and Matthew

Kyle being silly with Matthew and Chase

Chase checking out Ella in her seat
Aunt Nancy and Chase looking at my scrapbook
Cara, Chase, Carla and Grandma
Jason and Chase

Kyle and Chase
cracking up about something
Nancy, Deanna and Grandma. I'm pretty sure Nancy was trying to pick Grandma's nose and also pretty sure they will both be upset that I picked this picture for the blog! They check it(the blog) daily though so hopefully they'll be excited to see themselves. :)


Cara, Leslie, Chase, Jason

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