Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 10, 2010

T-ball with Daddy

Now I might be a little biased here, but I believe we might have a future athlete on our hands. It seems to me that Chase is pretty good at sports. :) He has moved out of basketball season and into baseball(just like his daddy). It's never ending ESPN in this house!!!!! A couple of pics of Chase and Chad playing t-ball outside in this beautiful weather we've been having.

I think we need to invest in a stronger tee....

1 comment:

Jennifer, Eric, Isaiah, and Noah Heuer said...

I can completely relate to the NEVER-ENDING ESPN!!!! Just when I think our lives will return to normal after March Madness, then comes the Masters! :) Chase is such a cutie! So glad the weather is better and we can get our little guys outside!