We found out around Easter that I was pregant and to say that we were SHOCKED would be an understatement. Chad and I knew that eventually we would try for another baby but in the couple months before Easter had decided that it would be best to wait a while. Well I guess God had a different plan in mind for us, and actually I am very grateful for it. We never wanted another pregnancy to be our timing, only HIS, and that's exactly what happened. Funny how that works huh?
At first, and some days still, I wanted to just hibernate for 9months and tell no one our news. Not because I don't feel blessed or incredibly lucky to be carrying another miracle, but because of our history of course. For me it would just have been easier to hide out and keep our secret tucked away in my head. Well apparently my belly didn't forget how to strecth out even earlier this time, and I wasn't able to "hide it" any longer. I was starting to show so it was time. And I knew that lots of people would add us to their prayer list, and they have!!! It's amazing how many people have told us that we are in their prayers. AMAZING!!!
So, here we are, 15 weeks along and so far everything has gone very smoothly. We feel very comfortable in the care of Dr. Wheeler, who came highly recommended by the way, and keep getting good news at each appointment. Dr. W is actually with Women's Health Advantage in FW, which is who I see anyway, but he takes on women who are high risk. We knew that we would see him next time around and have not been disappointed. Truthfully, so far I don't ask many questions to him right now, all I need to know so far is that everything looks great. And Chase gets a sucker at each visit (two this week actually) so I think he's been pleased so far too.
My actual due date is somewhere around December 7 or 11, but Dr. W told us that I will not go that long. I assume as we get closer to that time, Dr. W will keep us informed on when will be the perfect time for our little boy to join us. Let's hope I can keep my sanity until then!
So for your viewing pleasure, here is a picture of our next BOY, who will in fact have a name that starts with a "C" just like everyone else in his family. But for now we haven't totally decided for sure on what it will be so we'll keep you guessing. We have it narrowed down to 2. And don't ask me to explain this picture to anyone, I can't tell where anything is, I just took Dr. W's word for it when he said "Well we are looking between the legs(then he pointed) and there is the offender!"
1 comment:
That is great news. Congratulations to you and your family. I love following your blog and seeing your posts.
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