**He LOVES puzzles. He's mastered the 24 piece ones so we need to look for some bigger ones
**He still HATES to have his finger/toe nails clipped! Oh I can't tell you how much of a struggle this is in our house. He wants his feet covered at all times! He is getting better about going barefoot now that the weather is warm but always wants socks on when napping/bedtime.
**He is quite the gentleman! When we get ready to go somewhere, he wants to open our doors for us. It's so cute and something I think he needs to learn anyway so why not start at age 4?!?!? He also compliments us a lot. "I like your shirt mommy. I like your hair mommy." He usually wants to wear the same color of shirt that we are wearing too. Most of the time I just let him pick out whatever he wants to wear(because he doesn't like what I pick anyway), unless we are going to church or somewhere nice that I would prefer he match.
**He LOVES chicken nuggets. This kid can take em down! And he always asks for them if given the choice. He can eat a 10 piece from McDonald's! Not sure I should actually admit that or be proud of it. He is getting better about trying new foods but if given a choice he'd pick nuggets!
**Is wearing 3T clothes. I think he weighs around 32-34lbs but has the skinniest little waist there is, so he is now in 3T clothes. He's never been very big or grown fast so I think this is just how he will be. We'll see how he checks out at his 4 year visit.
**He LOVES to play outside and ride his gator. He has also learned to ride his tricycle this year. If our neighbor is outside he's at her house. I hope to get some pictures of them soon. It's SO cute to see them together. Her name is Pauline, she's retired, and has the most beautiful yard/flowers I've ever seen so she's out a lot. He's talked her into buying some m&m's so he can have some at her house. They also snack on popcorn, pretzels and have lemonade to drink. He just waltzes right over and goes in her house if the screen door is open. She has a riding lawn mower that he likes to sit on also.
**Is about to give up nap time....I think. Mommy and Daddy aren't quite ready for this because we enjoy some peace and quiet for 2 hours in the middle of the day, but not sure naps are going to be the norm for much longer. When at daycare, he rarely takes a nap so is usually ready for bed around 7:30-7:45 so that works out fine. But if we are home or it's the weekend he usually still takes one. If he doesn't fall asleep he at least has to play in his room, I would say quietly, but I'm not sure he knows the meaning of that word. :)
**He doesn't miss a thing! My grandma Kessie would be proud of this first story.
We try not to let Chase say "butt", we prefer "bottom". One day we were in the car and Chad was on the phone to a friend and he said something about "kick your butt" (or something like that) and Chase right away says "Mommy...Daddy telled (said) butt". We CRACKED up!!!!!! I think it's harder for us not to say it than it is Chase.
Also in the car on the way to get ice cream. Chase wanted a shake instead of a cone so we took him to Arbys(they have $1 shakes). We get up to the window to pay and Chase says "I want chicken nuggets". (Mind you we had just been out to eat in FW and were just getting dessert but he must think if you are in a drive-thru then you get chicken nuggets.) Chad says "We are just getting ice cream, no chicken". Chase threw a little fit about it and said it again. Chad says jokingly "Fine. I'm going to eat your shake then!". Chase says "We don't eat shakes daddy! We eat food."
**He went to pre-school! CCHS Advanced child development classes put on a FREE pre-school once a trimester and Chase went in April/May. It's just twice a week for one month. Some of Chad's students wanted him to send Chase and I had heard about it so we tried it. It was wonderful!!!!! Chase had such a great time. He got to go to school with Chad in the morning and Chad just walked him down to class when school started. Chase loved being in Chad's room and drawing on the board! They even had a graduation that Chad got to sneak down to and watch (I had to work). We plan to send him again next year.
1 comment:
What a handsome little guy! Anna can't quit talking about his bouncy horse. I think she just might get one for her birthday. :)
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