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Monday, June 7, 2010

Helping Daddy

Two days in a row blogging for me....that's a record I think! Chad and Chase put together a shelf for me today and I snapped some pictures. It probably took twice the time because Chase was "helping" but it was so cute to watch. Chase actually did pretty well helping Chad. He kept saying "we are building a house" and then he'd correct himself and say shelf. He could fit nicely in the openings before the sides/back was put on. Enjoy!

using the screwdriver

excuse my shoes in this picture
almost done

The finished product. We don't have an office in our house and everything(mostly junk I guess) that I would normally put in a desk needed a home. I had a file cabinet that I was using but didn't want that in our living room so sold it at a garage sale and bought this shelf. I LOVE the cabinet that our computer is in, so now it has a friend.
By the way, the shelf/bins are from Target. It would work great for toys in a child's room too! Maybe I'll have to get another one????

1 comment:

The Smith's said...

Looks great! I love organization!!! I need to get some of those for all of my stuff that doesn't have a good home. :)